Legal service
in Cyprus
Starting a business in Cyprus and doing business here is significantly easier with the help of local knowledge and the use of legal experts.
Based on our past use of legal expert on behalf of our clients, we have gathered a network of partners with professional expertise in:
- General legal advice and support
- Preparation of company documents
- Contract drafting and reviewing (such as finance transactions, IP Rights licensing etc.)
- Competition Law
- Corporate Law
- Property Law
Through our network of local legal advisors, we can introduce you to specialist legal advisors for business and individuals matters. We work with both small boutique law firms and larger legal organizations.
We provide legal services in areas of major interest and concern such as:
Tax Advisory
Corporate Tax Advisory
International Tax
Private Clients
Tax Investigations
Tax Accounting
Corporate Compliance
Direct Tax Compliance
Indirect Tax Compliance
Corporate Compliance
Wealth Management
Indirect Tax
VAT Services
Customs & Excise
Due Diligence Reports
Refund Requests
Company Administration
Company Administration
Specific Industries
Specialty Service
Legal Services
Corporate & Business Law
Legal Services in other areas
How to get Cyprus residency?
EU citizens who wish to stay and work in Cyprus should obtain the Registration Certificate (Cyprus Yellow Slip) within a period of 3 months staying in Cyprus. By obtaining the relevant certificate the individual will have the same rights as Cyprus citizens. The procedure is as follows:
1. Book an appointment with the immigration office.
2. Complete and submit the relevant form (MEU1) to the local immigration office along with certified copies of the following documents*. The applicant should physically visit the local immigration office himself during the evaluation process.
- Passport
- Marriage apostiled certificate (translated); if applicable
- Children birth certificate; if applicable
- Rental or purchase agreement of an immovable property in Cyprus
- Bank statement
- Health insurance; if applied as a visitor
- Two passport size photos
- Copy of employment contract; if applicable
- Fee of €20
A non-EU citizen travelling to Cyprus for vacation needs to obtain a short-term visa. If staying more than 90 days in Cyprus then will need to apply for the pink slip (temporary resident). This will extend the period of staying up to 1 year. When obtaining a pink slip should not live more than 90 days outside Cyprus.
The procedure obtaining a pink slip is as follows:
1. Book an appointment with the immigration office.
2. Complete and submit the relevant form (MVIS) to the local immigration office along with certified copies of the following documents:
- Passport
- Marriage apostiled certificate (translated)
- Children birth certificate
- Bank statement stating funds at least an amount which could compensate for 1 year leaving in Cyprus
- Health insurance
- Four passport size photos
- Fee of €140
EU and non-EU residents who stayed more than 5 years in Cyprus could apply for a permanent residency.

Permanent residency in Cyprus
Are you ready for this?
A partnership with us is about more than accounting services or legal advice. We want to know your business and help you exceed any way we can.